
About Me 🙋🏻‍

Every inch of technology has been following my career path. I am passionate about creating useful and revolutionary mobile and web applications.

I am also looking forward to new problems and fields to learn into.

Career path

2020 - now

BME-VIK Computer Science Engineer BSc

    July, 2021 - October, 2021


    • Worked in a freelancer team
    • Smaller full-stack web projects and Ionic project
    September, 2021 - now

    Simonyi Károly College for Advanced Studies, Kir-Dev web development team

    • Team leader since September, 2022
    • Project management
    • Industrial connections
    • Recruiting new members
    • Teaching ReactJS
    • Mentoring newbies
    March, 2022 - June, 2023

    SnapSoft, Junior Software Engineer

    • React based web applications and websites
    • React Native mobile app development
    • AWS based solutions and certificate
    June, 2023 - now

    META-INF, (Medior) Software Developer

    • Atlassian plugin development
    • React, Atlassian Forge

    Hard skills

    Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, C#, Java, Swift, Kotlin, (CSS, HTML)

    Frameworks and libraries: React, Express, Nest, Next, SwiftUI, React Native (Expo)

    • AWS Cloud Practitioner
    • Azure Fundamentals
    It ain't much (yet), but it's honest work.

    Contact & links

    © 2024

    Bálint Berente